ICM Pack N Move  - Bala Nagar

D-1, Bala Nagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Services : Car Carrier, Household, Bike Shifting

About Company

ICM Pack and Move is a qualified car shipping company that has gained applicable experience in the field of packing, moving and relocating. It provides trustworthy services for vehicle shipping. A professional vehicle transportation company would grasp the fact that driving to a far away location would leave many worn out and suffer from various expenses. Therefore, it provides such services that prove to be beneficial for the people so that they can look forward to a satisfying car shipping experience. It would be backed by a professional workforce that utilizes its expertise when it comes to getting the required task executed. The vehicle is taken care of in a proper manner so that it does not get scratches. The workers carry out the required task with honesty, efficiency and reliability so that the customers can be assured safe transportation of their vehicle. The vehicle is thoroughly cleansed and inspected for any flaws.


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