Latest Car and Bike Transportation Blog

Posted Date: 5th August 2019

Driving your car yourself is never a good option. It is fraught with various dangers on the way. Bad weather, fatigue is some common problems that every person sitting behind the wheels can face. This is the reason why most of the people search for car shipping companies near me. People don’t hesitate to pay hefty car transportation charges to receive the vehicle shipping services. Let’s envision a specific situation if you want to ship your car from Kolkata to Delhi, you will go for the services of car transport in Kolkata. Most of us while searching for good shipping companies overlook the importance of insurance coverage at the time of selecting the car carrier services.

In India, people don’t pay heed for car shipping insurance coverage. Even elite class considers it unnecessary to have insurance coverage at the time of vehicle shipping. If you are on your way of committing the similar folly, hold on and read this blog post to acquire valuable information in this regard.

Why Insurance Coverage is Mandatory when taking Car Transport in Kolkata

Overlooking insurance coverage is a folly that can put the customers in grave risk. Getting your vehicle insured with the shipping company can fill you with great confidence. Many auto shipping companies in Kolkata provide vehicle insurance to safeguard vehicles against probable damages like collision, fire, theft, and any other such case.

Important Questions to Ask before Choosing Car Shipping Insurance Coverage in Kolkata
Choosing Insurance coverage is a liability that rests with the customers. So, it is important to interrogate the car shipping professionals wisely and dig proper information about insurance from them.

What type of damage is covered at the time of insurance?

Interrogate if your company covers comprehensive insurance or third party damages. Comprehensive insurance covers your vehicle when it is stolen, in case of vandalism, civil disturbance, and natural disasters. These types of insurance do not cover your vehicle in case it is damaged due to the collision. Third-party insurance covers your car against the damage or loss incurred by a third-party driver who himself or herself is not insured.

Ask if the entire Body of Car is covered or not?

Getting claims in case of insurance becomes quite difficult if you have not obtained apt information in advance. So, do ask if some parts of your car will be insured or you will get claim in case of entire body parts coverage.

What is the total monetary limit for the coverage provided?

Most of the persons forget to ask about the total limit of their coverage. If you are going to take car carriers services in Kolkata, this is a must-ask question for you. By inquiring about the total amount of coverage, you can attain peace of mind.

Is there any need to provide additional insurance coverage?

Ask from the concerned company if there is any need to buy additional insurance coverage.
By asking these questions in advance you can wipe away all your concerns regarding the safety of your vehicles.

Tips to Deal with Insurance Services of Car Transport in Kolkata:

Fetching details of insurance from companies of car transportation in Kolkata seems a daunting task. But with a rational mind, you can take a right step in this direction and go for the right vehicle insurance policy at the time of shipping. So, once you have obtained the right policy, you can take some important steps to secure yourself.

  • Ask from the vehicle shipping company to provide proof of insurance documents. You can also cross-check from the insurance company for safety purpose.
  • Don’t forget to inspect your vehicle on arrival at the destination. Look for any scratches, dents, or other damages. Remember, once the vehicle is handed over to you, you cannot ask for claim from the insurance company.
  • Also make sure that you don’t leave any personal possessions in your car at the time of handing over your vehicle to the insurance company.

Closing Thoughts:
All in all, choosing vehicle insurance can be made simple and effective by making prior efforts. If you hire particular car transport company in Kolkata, dig deep about their Shipping insurance policies. A prior inquiry will save you from unnecessary hassles later on. And you will feel free to file a claim in case of any unfortunate vehicle loss and damages at the time of car shipping.

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